Find your town and open your town's address level connectivity data. Locate your address. If there is a discrepancy you have 3 choices:

1- Share the issue with your town OCCUD representative who will then add this to data to be included in our buildout and potentially the State bulk challenge to be submitted to the FCC (by January 13th).

2- Submit your challenge to the FCC directly at the FCC National Broadband Map website at Type your address into the Search by Address field and press the enter key. The map will zoom in on your location. On the right of the screen are the reported broadband service providers and maximum connection speeds they offer for sale at your location. If the reported service availability is NOT available at your address (not that you don’t subscribe, but is completely unavailable), we encourage you to enter an availability challenge.

3- Do nothing. You are not obligated to participate in this process; however, being part of the community level review will ensure that everyone who needs to be included in the buildout of modern internet infrastructure will have the choice to affordably access the infrastructure they deserve.

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Website by: Group6 Interactive