The Broadband Innovation Grant

The Broadband Innovation Grant

In July 2020, the Rutland Regional Planning Commission was awarded a Broadband Innovation Grant by the Vermont Dept of Public Service, allowing it to pursue the development of a feasibility study and business plan for a potential Communications Union District to support the buildout of fiber to the premises throughout the region. This award and first step towards bringing high speed internet to those who want it, spurred the Town of Brandon’s Selectboard to vote and initiate the creation of the Otter Creek Communications Union District (OCCUD) shortly after, followed by a vote of the Goshen Selectboard to join the OCCUD which officially established the CUD.

In December 2020, the OCCUD had 11 town members and a finalized feasibility study bringing it yet another step closer to the OCCUD’s goal of accessible high speed internet for the region. As of December 2021 OCCUD has 18 member towns and a finalized business plan. Here you can review the feasibility study and business plan at your leisure. The feasibility study finds that a Rutland Region CUD (the OCCUD) is financially feasible but does emphasize the benefit of joining with a neighboring CUD. The business plan – a living document – builds on this and affirms that the “…CUD has established a strong financially and technologically viable path…” for bringing universal service to its member towns.

As work continues and specifics are determined and then voted on by the OCCUD (and any potential coordinating neighboring CUD’s) Board, updates will be provided.