Otter Creek CUD

About Us

What we do:

Provide the opportunity to access high speed internet for communities.

The Otter Creek Communications Union District (Otter Creek CUD) exists to bring connectivity solutions that support municipalities in and near the Regions of Rutland, Vermont. 

We are a municipality formed according to Vermont statute 30 VSA Chapter 82 and governed by volunteer representatives from each of our seventeen member towns and the city of Rutland.

Member Towns & Representative for the Otter Creek CUD

Formed in July 2020 with the Town of Brandon taking the first step (as outlined in​ ​Vermont State Statute​) to form a communications union district and quickly after joined by Goshen, the OCCUD has 18 member municipalities as of November 2023.

BensonSteve MurrayLynn Bowen
BrandonPeter WernerBill Moore - Alternate
CastletonLeslie A CadwellTed Molnar – Alternate
ChittendenAndrew QuintTBD – Alternate
Fair HavenJason CoupolTBD – Alternate
GoshenTyler Davidson-TomanTBD – Alternate
HubbardtonChris Custer, website managerTBD – Alternate
MendonLarry Courcelle, Vice-Chair, VCUDA rep.Valorie Taylor Alternate
PawletJessica Van OortTBD – Alternate
PittsfordBrett MullinGreg Hiltz
PoultneyMark TeetorTerry Williams – Alternate
Rutland CityAlex AdamsTBD – Alternate
Rutland TownDannielle MummaAndrew Palmer - Alternate
ShrewsburyLaura Black, ChairTBD – Alternate
SudburyMike Small, Google administratorTom Myer – Alternate
WellsEleanor Jones, Secretary/ClerkSharon Corey
West HavenJennifer BookKerry Ellis
West RutlandTBDTBD – Alternate
TreasurerJackie Savela